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Friday, May 17, 2013

Getting Ready

The goal the past couple of months was to get as much done for the store as possible before being able to get into the building.  Easy in thought, yet difficult to know exactly what is needed, what to buy, and how much to buy.  As Nikki combed pinterest and the internet for interesting interior designs, her and Andrew began to piece together a plan for the layout.  With budget in mind the shopping began.  Here are some pictures of the process.

The first purchase for AMP

Getting the slat board ready for paint

Brayden had to rock the DP Brakes hat right away!

Work on the building

Needing some green thumb action


Planting one of the trees 

Just needs some grass seed





 Andy and Mark getting the sign hung

Always have to find time to play!

 Brayden after another late night at the shop sleeping in the can only see a sliver of his face
Keegan decided to read instead of sleep